Mirrors for furnishing the Portuguese style of living
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Sergio Burned gold
8 sizes from 80 cm to 2 metres high or wide.
Large Fitting mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Unique character in burnished gold and eco mirror glass
Large Fitting mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Unique character in burnished gold and eco mirror glass
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Adriane Antiquegold
In 7 sizes from 50 cm to 180 cm in size
Antique gold Full-length mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Antique gold Full-length mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Adriane Gold
7 sizes from 50 cm to 180 cm in size
Fitting mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Fitting mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Adriane
9 colours and 7 sizes from 50 cm to 180 cm in size
Full length mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Full length mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Sergio Black gloss
8 sizes from 80 cm to 2 metres high or wide.
Large Hall mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Unique character in high-gloss black and eco mirror glass
Large Hall mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Unique character in high-gloss black and eco mirror glass
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Pico
Timeless, minimalist and classy
Narrow list from Italy with pearl edging
Unique and only for sale here
Narrow list from Italy with pearl edging
Unique and only for sale here
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Leontina
5 sizes from 65 cm to 100, 150 cm high or wide
5 colours-solid wood-measurement POSSIBLE!
100% handmade in Italy and ECO mirror glass!
5 colours-solid wood-measurement POSSIBLE!
100% handmade in Italy and ECO mirror glass!
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Sergio Burned silver
8 sizes from 80 cm to 2 metres high or wide.
Large Fitting mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Unique character in burnished silver and eco mirror glass
Large Fitting mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Unique character in burnished silver and eco mirror glass
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Sunmirror Eloisa
Large mirror SUN of 52 cm round
Hand gilded with gold leaf
Luxury wooden frame from Italy
Hand gilded with gold leaf
Luxury wooden frame from Italy
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Sunmirror Cira
Mirror sun gold 43 cm
Hand gilded with gold leaf
Luxury wooden frame from Italy
Hand gilded with gold leaf
Luxury wooden frame from Italy
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Adriane White
9 colours and 7 sizes from 50 cm to 180 cm in size
Full length mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Full length mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Romeo Gold
Bow mirror 66 cm wide and 88 cm high
Solid wood frame hand-gilded in gold
Mirror for any room, including the bathroom
Solid wood frame hand-gilded in gold
Mirror for any room, including the bathroom
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Sunmirror Zola
Large mirror SUN of 1 METER round
Hand gilded with gold leaf
Luxury wooden frame from Italy
Hand gilded with gold leaf
Luxury wooden frame from Italy
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Sergio White gloss
8 sizes from 80 cm to 2 metres high or wide.
Large hall mirror or wall mirror
Unique character in high-gloss white and eco mirror glass
Large hall mirror or wall mirror
Unique character in high-gloss white and eco mirror glass
Made in England
Mirror Dax Black Special offer!
90 cm wide and 130 cm high
English mantel mirror
Wooden frame in matt black
English mantel mirror
Wooden frame in matt black
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Wall console Chigi
Wall table 69x14x17cm
Walnut, black, white, ivory, gold or silver
With or without mirror
Walnut, black, white, ivory, gold or silver
With or without mirror
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Romeo Silver
Arched mirror 66 cm wide and 88 cm high
Solid wood frame silver
For mantelpiece, hall, toilet and bathroom
Solid wood frame silver
For mantelpiece, hall, toilet and bathroom
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Romeo
Bow mirror 66 cm wide and 88 cm high
Solid wood frame in 8 colours
ECO durable mirror glass Handmade in Italy
Solid wood frame in 8 colours
ECO durable mirror glass Handmade in Italy
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Adriane Antiquesilver
In 7 sizes from 50 cm to 180 cm in size
Antique Silver Full-length mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Antique Silver Full-length mirror, wall or mantel mirror
Hanging horizontally or vertically
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Romeo Antiquesilver
Arch mirror 66 cm wide and 88 cm high
Solid wood frame in old silver
Rustic mantel mirror or bathroom mirror
Solid wood frame in old silver
Rustic mantel mirror or bathroom mirror
Made in England
Mirror Vince Special offer!
Large wall mirror 107x137 cm high or wide
Sturdy solid wood frame 21cm wide
Sturdy solid wood frame 21cm wide
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Sidetable Ruspoli
Large 83x86x29cm
Walnut, black, white, ivory, gold or silver
With or without mirror
Walnut, black, white, ivory, gold or silver
With or without mirror
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Adriane Black
In 7 sizes from 50 cm to 180 cm large
Matt black or high-gloss black
Full length mirror, wall or mantel mirror high or wide
Matt black or high-gloss black
Full length mirror, wall or mantel mirror high or wide
Barokspiegel® Made in Italy
Mirror Cianna
Oval mirror in rectangular frame 75x95cm
Special mirror above console table or mantelpiece
9 colours black, white, silver and gold
Special mirror above console table or mantelpiece
9 colours black, white, silver and gold